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Zip , unzip files when transfer

Thank you for this awesome service

I'm very grateful if we have option to extract (unzip) or create archive (zip) files before tranfering ,and if possible the user can input a password to zip/unzip files

Thank you very much


  • Thank you for everything, i'm so glad to hear that

  • I think this is good idea,it would be very useful with me

  • I second this suggestion, zip and unzip, tar, and gz, this would be a great upgrade to your service. 
    Thanks for your excellent service. 
  • 3rd much needed 
  • @Deall all, well noted and will submit it to our Development Department to try their best to develop this feature. Thank you for your support.
  • I'm behind this integration.

    If it's worth anyone's time, there's a way to do it with python (I think?!) on google collab ... but you need to log in, authenticate, and then unzip with exact file names ...

    so perhaps the code itself might be useful for multcloud ...

  • Hi Eliotcole,
    What mean? Could you give us a detailed description?
  • edited July 2020

    Unzipping With Google Collab and Google Drive

    This process allows you to unzip a file on Google Drive without having to use any external apps providing them access to your sensitive data.

    Step One - Google Collab

    Log in to your Google Account, and ensure that you have a new 'Notebook' open at collab.research.google.com.

    Step Two - First Code

    Create your first Code block and place this in there:
    from google.colab import drive

    Step Three - Second Code

    Create your second Code block and place this in there:
    !unzip -uq "drive/My Drive/[LOCATION1]/[FILENAME].zip" -d "drive/My Drive/[LOCATION2]"
    To confirm:
    • "[LOCATION1]" is the folder on your Google Drive where you have a zip file.
    • "[FILENAME]" is the filename of the file (not including extension).
    • "[LOCATION2]" is the folder on your Google Drive where you would like the zip file to extract.

    Step Four - Unzipping

    This is where we unzip the file, follow these steps:
    1. Click on the play symbol next to your First Code block (from Step Two) it will give you a URL, click that and approve access to your account for collab.
    2. Copy the code it gives you.
    3. Paste the code into the field under "" that it provides in your Notebook.
    4. It will now state: "Mounted at /content/drive"
    5. Now click the play symbol next to your Second Code block (from Step Three).
    6. This should run without error, and your files will populate over the next minute or so in to the destination.

    If you get errors, then look to stack exchange, I think ... or the Google Community.
  • So, since I am not as technically skilled as you, Aomei, I am providing you this code (which I believe is python) as a means by which you could implement a similar functionality on multcloud, perhaps.

    I've made two posts on purpose, here, to differentiate the process from what I'm saying here.
  • Hi Eliotcole,
    Thanks for your suggestions. We will forward them to our dev team.
  • Remote unzipping would be nice because it is a hassle to have to log into pcloud or whatever directly in order to do it.

    Why did the dev team not implement remote unzipping when this thread suggested it years ago? Or will you do so in the near future?
  • @Stranger, We will submit your suggestion to our dev team.
  • - Added Remote Unzipping to the suggestions for the dev team. -
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