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GUIDE - BOX: Upload To Cloud From Public Box File This was originally stored here, but that seems to have gone. Desktop procedure with Chrome: * Open public Box link. * Click download. * Cancel download. * Go to downloads tab and copy the download URL. * Enter in to the MultCloud URL upload 'URL' field. * Go to downloads tab and copy the filename. * Enter in to the MultCloud URL upload 'filename' field. * Select a folder, and bob's your mother's brother. Mobile procedure, requires Firefox with NoScript (you may be able to disable javascript in Chrome to achieve the same effect): * Open public Box link. * Ensure that no domains on the link are whitelisted in NoScript. * Reload page to ensure the basic mobile page loads. * Tap and hold (Android) 'Download'. * Tap 'Copy Link' * Enter in to the MultCloud URL upload 'URL' field. * Go back to the mobile box page and copy the filename from the top. * Enter in to the MultCloud URL upload 'filename' field. * Select a folder, and wait. Background: I store a lot of (legal) files for work purposes on a Google Drive, and box have (and are still) always been a bit of a tough cookie. I am aiming to ensure that I am able to get the files that I need, from many disparate sources (ftp/db/servers/etc) to the shared drive. That's doable if you're on a desktop, sure, but I want to be able to do this from a mobile device. Not so simple now. Box are very good as masking their URL, this is one of a few ways I've used to get it, this is just the simplest. If any of the requirements would mess too much with your browser of choice on mobile, then just download the browser's beta version, and work there.


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