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This forum is intended for MultCloud Support Discussion.


We are now an internet web hosting provider, and also storage solutions provider. When Managing Multiple Enterprise Clouds And File Shares from popular services, transferring files and folders wouldn't be any easier. We run multiple cloud accounts, like Google Workspace and Office 365. Moving files and folders between cloud services is a task that we do often, and keeping the files sorted to make sure data stored is compliant with its location. Bandwidth to move all of this data is not infinite, and our on-prem servers are not designed for this kind of transfers. As local storage is not feasible even if we can get a backup drive from costco, we need to find a reliable solution to transfer files into the correct cloud and so that it is easily accessible when we need it to work on by using a service like Multcloud to make sure all of the folders in the clouds goes to their respective locations. Even mover.io can't compete because of its massive limitations. So far, we have used MultCloud to move 35TB of data already, as indicated on my dashboard, and we have plans to move more in the future. Contact: t.me/Jnsystems


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