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Syncing on modified files does not work

edited May 2021 in Seek Help
I have a problem syncing the modified files between two Google Drive account.
Specifically, I already have transferred A/myFolder to B/myFolder, and I want to sync the two folders on a daily basis.
However, I found that if I modified a file on A account and ran Sync Task, the corresponding file on B account will not be updated. 
Hope someone can help me. Thanks!


  • ^ Would showing the logs (the error logs be helpful?) 
    Some content like google docs, forms, and such may not be transferred yet.
  • The error message is about the file that cannot be transferred, but not include my target google sheet (Byron's Leetcode Notes). Please help
  • ^ And the details of the error, I can't see the error as they are compressed.
  • @Byronhsu1230, " I already have transferred A/myFolder to B/myFolder"--Did you mean that you create a transfer task to transfer A/myFolder to B/myFolder? And then, create a new sync task from A/myFolder to B/myFolder?
  • @Jnsystems I think the error message does not matter with my target file (Byron's Leetcode Notes).
  • ^ Try manually coping it over, there are some instances MultCloud can't transfer certain files.
  • @Jnsystems But I can transfer the google sheet. I just can't sync it.
  • edited May 2021
    @Jnsystems Will the sync job directly end when some failures occur? Or will it neglect failure and continue?
  • I am wondering whether it is because of the failure so that my google sheet is not processed.
  • ^ It will neglect any failures and continue. If you are trying to sync, make sure it is a replace task if that doesn't help.
  • @Byronhsu1230, Could you try to delete recreate the sync task from A/myFolder to B/myFolder?
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