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2TB backup very slow

I need to transfer 2TB from dropbox to dropbox.
I have chosen the Backup option. This is very slow.
How many hours do you estimate the transfer to take?
Should I have chosen another transfer mode than Backup?
Thanks for your help


  • Hi @Nordine,
    What plan are you using on Multcloud? You will need a premium package to transfer beyond the free quotas.
    You can try the cloud transfer option as that can be more faster than backup.
  • Hi i hav Unlimited Data / Year. I try to make a backup but each time the task stop on counting files without errors. It seems to be stuck
  • I need a backup not a transfer
  • Now i get a backup complete but nothing copied on the target. I feel this service doesn't work
  • Hi,
    sorry to hear that your data has not been copied, I am going to check the issue and see if the issue still persists.
  • @Nordine, Could you run your backup again? If you still get the same situation, please contact the support team via email and offer your MultCloud account to check the problem further.
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