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Yandex Remote Upload %0.0(stuck)

Yandex remote upload gets stuck at 0 percent when I try to upload a video.This problem has been going on for 3 days.same problem everyday.


  • Hi @uploader,

    Thank you for contacting MultCloud. I just finished reading your post and appreciate your taking the time to share your concerns with us.

    I completely understand how valuable your time is. So, I want to make sure we address this in the best and most attentive way.

    If possible, can you please stop the remote upload, and try the transfer task again; make sure the link you are trying is a direct download link, and has no spaces. for example: https://example.com/videos/example-video-S01.mp4

  • @Uploader, did you upload file from a link to Yandex? or local drive? How big is the video file?
    Could you switch to the classic MultCloud to try again?

  • The video file I uploaded is via sibnet.ru(200 mb video file). It works fine in other cloud applications(google drive,dropbox,onedrive). 

    When I try a different url (http://grochtdreis.de/fuer-jsfiddle/video/sintel_trailer-480.mp4) address, the video was uploaded after about 5 minutes. The video size is 5 MB.

    I can upload empty txt file from local file. I can't follow the remote upload on classic multcloud.

    Displaying file percentages via yandex is problematic. The file upload does not finish even though the upload percentage is 100%.The file was uploaded after 4 minutes.

    When I uploaded local file to yandex via yandex site, it finished very fast. When I try to upload local file to yandex via  multcloud site, it was very slow.

    File upload percentage doesn't seem to work well with yandex.

    The video link may be unreachable after a while. because the server's upload speed is very slow.
  • @Uploader, "Displaying file percentages via yandex is problematic. The file upload does not finish even though the upload percentage is 100%.The file was uploaded after 4 minutes." ---The 200 mb video file is uploaded eventually? Could you offer us the link so that we can test it?
  • https://video.sibnet.ru/shell.php?videoid=4385185
    You can test the video link using "internet download manager".
  • edited August 2021
    Hi @uploader,

    Thank you for contacting MultCloud. I just finished reading your post and appreciate your taking the time to share your concerns with us.

    The video Link either is DRM protected or a direct link can't be found in the url you are trying to parse.
    If it works and can upload to Yandex, Yandex either rate limit MultCloud based on its API access and/or the upload speed is slow to Yandex servers compared to other clouds.

    Hope this helps, as far as I can tell.

    As shown, the video link is embedded in its own player, therefore MultCloud might not recognize the file.
    And somehow the video is unable to play...

  • @Uploader, The link you offered is not a download link. MultCloud only acquires the shell.php file from the link. It can't get the video file from the link. So, the link is not the download link of the video file.
  • Hello! Help me pls!

    I can't connect my Yandex cloud to multcloud. It says me parameters are entered incorrectly. But my login and password are correct.
  • Please enable the "app password", and  then use the "app password" to re-add your Yandex account. 
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