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Start Time +11 minutes delay false Local Time

Start Time +11 minutes delay false Local Time bug!


  • Hi @sezer ,

    Thank you for contacting MultCloud. I just finished reading your post and appreciate your taking the time to share your concerns with us.

    I completely understand how valuable your time is. So, I want to make sure we address this in the best and most attentive possible way.

    Does this mean you are trying to start a transfer time and it delayed 11 minutes before your transfer actually started?
    If So, it is possible to attach a screenshot or a recording to better describe the issue you are facing so we can expedite and resolve the issue.

  • @Jnsystems Example
    Start Transfer Local Time        :   16:00
    Start Transfer Multcloud Time :   16:11

    Mistake bug
  • @Sezer, Did you create a cloud transfer task at 16:00? Which clouds did you transfer from and to?
    Did you check the start time (16:11) under View Logs?
    Could you try to recreate the task and then take some screenshots to us?
    We test the transfer on our account. It doesn't have the situation.
  • Yorumunuzu yazın
  • Hi @sezer,
    Thank you for contacting us,
    Does the task transfer sucessfully?

  • @Sezer, Could you check if the time of your computer is accurate? You can try to sync computer time to Internet time.
    1. Open the Start menu and click "Settings". Then, click "Time & Language"-->"Related settings"-->"Additional date, time, & regional settings".
    2. Then, select "Clock and Region",  click "Date and Time".
    3. Click the Internet Time tab on the Date and Time dialog box. Then, click Change settings.
    4. On the Internet Time Settings dialog box, check the Synchronize with an Internet time server box.
    Then, select a Server from the drop-down list. If you don’t see a server you want to use, you can type the name of an Internet time server. Click Update now.
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