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Duplicate Finder

I have several cloud drives configured in MultCloud.  Does MultCloud have any tools that can search for duplicate files within a cloud drive or between drives?  If not, does anyone have a suggestion as to how I can easily find duplicates so as to remove them.



  • Hi @wrsender,
    Thank you for contacting MultCloud. I just finished reading your post and appreciate your taking the time to share your concerns with us.

    I completely understand how valuable your time is. So, I want to make sure we address this in the best and most attentive possible way.

    MultCloud doesn't have any tools to search for duplicate files within a cloud drive or between drives as of this posting.
    A temporary workaround is to download Mountain Duck On your computer. Install it and reboot the computer. Once started, add all of your clouds to the application, and use a duplicator file finder application to find it on the cloud drives.
    If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

  • Thank you very much for your response and recommendation.
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