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[Newbie] Cant add synology NAS at all

Hi i'm a complete beginner to this. just got a Synology NAS but am having troubles adding it to MultCloud via FTP (and also tried WebDAV, but will focus on FTP for this forum). It keeps returning 'some parameters are not entered correctly' but i dont know what - my credentials are correct, server is in the format of ftp://[xxx].synology.me, port 20

Is there a way for me to verify if my server and port details are correct? Otherwise what am i missing?

Thanks in advance!


  • @Xelaser, Have you enable FTP Service on Synology NAS? Please refer to: https://www.multcloud.com/help/enable-ftp-service-on-synology-nas.html.
    If yes, please take a screenshot of the setting/configuration that you add it to MultCloud.
  • edited April 2023
    i've figured it out now - was a router setting issue. Thanks! 
  • I'm facing the same issue. Opened the ports 21 and 22 on my router through NAT port 
  • I could connect to the NAS through FileZilla with FTP. Multcloud is continuously failing.
  • @Anirguha, Please confirm if your NAS can be accessed via a public network. If it only can be accessed under LAN, MultCloud can't add it. You can try accessing your NAS using an external network (such as mobile data network or other WiFi networks). Open a browser and enter the public IP address or domain to see if you can successfully access the NAS management interface.
  • @Admin Yes, my Synology NAS can be accessed via public network without any problem.
  • @Anirguha, So, What error did you get when you add the NAS? Could you take a screenshot so that we check?
  • I am having the same issue, I opened port 21 on my router, setup FTP on the NAs and Filezilla can connect but not Multcloud
  • @ Roxby Please email support@multcloud.com and offer screenshots showing how you enter the parameters so we will help you further.
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