Home Suggestions & Bug Reports
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-- List of issues/suggestions needed to be addressed: (V1.2.0) --

edited December 2023 in Suggestions & Bug Reports
List of suggestions for developers to reference/address.
Adding/Fix Clouds:
Add Cloud: Wasabi.com
S3 compatible
Google storage buckets
Fix Yandex/whatever it it called 
Fix Flickr API
Fix OneDrive Business not moving users around

Transfer Improvements:
Remove sync limit/concurrent tasks if server allows, making short tasks able to complete faster. 
Improve transfer speeds overall, more threads if needed.
More Servers capable of transferring files quickly
Transfer from Other Clouds to Cloud (Box.com) - Box Disconnects Integrations which causes transfer issues.
URL doesn't parse correctly, try to use wget function instead.
Remote Upload Speeds need improvements
Support file hosting sites, like offcloud does.
Fix transfer issues from cloud to cloud

Visual Improvements:
New Version of Web UI -> Sub Accounts -> Add User, change wording from |existed| to |existing| (still not fixed).
Shared Drives on User Accounts are listed incorrectly and most of shared drives are missing.
Oauth Login for Google Does NOT work with Firefox Web Browser for some reason.
Android app does not show sync tasks, only transfer tasks.

Login Improvements:
Add SSO to replace manual login and handle 3rd party providers, like Auth0.

We can compete with offcloud, maybe in the future MultCloud can release a windows client to share bandwidth and make processing jobs way easier and more efficient.


  • @Jnsystems, Thank you so much. We will submit them to our dev team.
  • 7. I hope terabox will release api
  • What about 2 factor Authentication??? 
  • Can you add MS sharepoints, everytime I move anything from Site (sharepoints) to My Drive (One Drive). Microsoft functions badly and misses many files  ??
  • @SolluSITES -> Thanks for notifying us, added to the development list.
    @kingbros007 -> Thanks for notifying us, added to the development list, this shouldn't be too hard but time consuming to add in because Mircosoft is being wierd.
  • GREAT!!! Excellent... 2FA is a MANDATORY feature, as we use 2FA on ALL our accounts and MultCloud becomes a CRITICAL threatening factor to the security of our files... Please, implement this urgently... :) 
  • Our dev team is developing the feature.
  • @Jnsystems
    I agree, the main issue is the speed transfer in Europe, using Fast Netherlands servers could be a good option.
  • Yeah, Abit there are transfer quota imposed by Google Drive themselves, which is 750GB per person, which is quite annoying. I dealt with terabytes of files every day and had to use 1Gbit/s Ethernet to do most of the transferring.
  • I would have some suggestions, especially, but not only if you want to offer this to enterprises: 

    1. fix 2nd run (incrementals) of the cloud backups 
    2. implement retention option ie. deleted files in the backups will be deleted in the destination after specified period
    3. Add client side encryption for s3 compatible providers eg. AWS,wasabi...
    4. implement multipart uploads for s3 compatible providers eg. AWS,wasabi to lift your 5GB file limitation during the sync. Understand this would need to have support at source to downloads parts, ie. I know egnyte supports range download.
    5. Sync/backup file versions as well

  • Hello, I can't connect my Yandex Cloud to multcloud. It says me parameters are entered incorrectly. But my login and password are correct.
  • And I would add more functions from site into mobile app
  • Heeeeelp me
  • Hi @Faero_true
    Try readding the cloud again with the [email protected] with the password
    If that doesn't work 
    Hope that helps.
  • edited February 2023
    It didn't work, I tried to connect using and mail, and account
  • @Faero_true, Please enable the "app password", and then use the "app password" to re-add your Yandex account. 
  • @Admin, what do you mean? Where should I do it? In Yandex cloud or in multcloud?
  • @Faero_true, you need to enable the "app password" in Yandex. And then, please use the "app password" as password when you add it to MultCloud.
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