new cloud providers, sync client, new features
new cloud providers
Amazon Cloud Drive (this is not Amazon S3)
sync client
- a client for windows, linux, mac (sync files from platform to a selectable cloud [as default] and then sync to the other linked clouds)
- a client for android, ios, windows phone to upload photos, videos and manage settings, cloud provider etc.
new features
- same login for and
(dont know if this 2 different logins are a security feature)
- multi-factor account protection
+--- password
+--- authentication email code
+--- long captcha with two or three words
+--- linked computer or device names to multcloud account
+--- linked locations for computers, devices
+--- linked facebook, google, amazon, twitter or microsoft accounts
+--- a athentificator app, maybe the app from google
- other security features
- alert if password for different cloud providers are the same
- alert if a password for a cloud provider insecure
- email alert
+--- for new linked computer or devices
+--- for new linked accounts
+--- if a unknown computer, device or account identified
+--- if a linked cloud storage is offline
+--- if a linked cloud storage full or nearly full
+--- if a linked cloud storage return access errors
I would also like to see Amazon, Cubby and Asus cloud drive providers included
Third the Amazon Cloud Drive addition
Is it possible to extend the range of clound providers with SurDoc and MediaFire?
Could you please add Weiyun? They offering 10TB for free.
It would be perfect if you could add " iDrive"