This forum is intended for MultCloud Support Discussion.
Too many open files error: a constant battle with this software My second try in a few years.
this is the error message I have constantly received.
trying flickr to google drive after having many issues with flickr to google photos
I just seems unless I'm only transferring limited files I get an error with this what good is it?
A few years ago I gave this service a go and after just a few hours of using it, I know why I stopped.
If I am transferring 800 images from a flickr album to a google drive. this is too many?
Sometime's it fails below 500 so why would I waste my time with a service that can only do 50 files for example at a time without stalling ?
this is pointless and a waste of time and money if I cant actually use a bulk service which is what it's supposed to be designed for.
any response?
trying flickr to google drive after having many issues with flickr to google photos
I just seems unless I'm only transferring limited files I get an error with this what good is it?
A few years ago I gave this service a go and after just a few hours of using it, I know why I stopped.
If I am transferring 800 images from a flickr album to a google drive. this is too many?
Sometime's it fails below 500 so why would I waste my time with a service that can only do 50 files for example at a time without stalling ?
this is pointless and a waste of time and money if I cant actually use a bulk service which is what it's supposed to be designed for.
any response?

I'll be needing a refund please.
I'll be needing a refund please.