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Google File Transfer - Size restriction?

I'm trying to transfer some Google files from one Google workspace to another the files are no larger then 4mb, most of the files are only a few KB but I'm getting an error saying the files are too large to transfer?


  • @markwillett We check the error.
    The Google API does not allow third parties (such as MultCloud) to download this files. Google does not publish the size and type of files that are restricted for download, MultCloud only gets this error returned by the google api on the actual request.
    In this situation, MultCloud can’t help you transfer these files. You might need to manually download and upload the files via cloud official site.

  • Thanks for your response, but they are just Google Slides that are no more than a few MB in size I'm trying to synchronize, why am I getting an error saying they are too large to sync?
  • @markwillett This error was caused by the Google limit and currently there is no better workaround.

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