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I can't transfer files from my drive (3TB) that is https://mega.nz/ (cloud) to the SYNOLOGY NAS server (all files are named with "unknowkn file name_...."). Apparently, the files were transferred, because they are taking up disk space, but they are all inaccessible. Can anyone help me or have any tips on the subject?


  • @Acrisio The technicians just fixed this issue. You may remove Mega, re-add it and create new transfer tasks and check if it works normally.
  • Thank you for your prompt response. However, although I did exactly as you suggested, unfortunately the problem was not solved. The files continue to transfer in the same way (being saved with the same unknown name). I tried to open some of them and also download them, but I get a message "unsafe transfer blocked"
  • @AdminThank you for your prompt response. However, although I did exactly as you suggested, unfortunately the problem was not solved. The files continue to transfer in the same way (being saved with the same unknown name). I tried to open some of them and also download them, but I get a message "unsafe transfer blocked"
  • @Acrisio We check the issue has been solved but it requires a version update, which is expected to be released within 1-2 weeks.
    So you can wait days and then try again.
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