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Multcloud stops sync

Hello everyone,

I was and still am facing an issue with multcloud cloud transfer task.
The issue is that at some point for reasons that I can not understand the multcloud app does not do the scheduled tasks.
I have three tasks which transfers from an sftp server to a google drive some backups.
The backups are daily and they are created and transferred from 3 different IPPBX to a my google drive (workspace plan).
The IPPBXs are online all the time and the sftp server is in digitalocean. The backups are sent from the IPPBXs to the sftp server and after an hour the multcloud app transfers them from the sftp server to the google drive and then deletes the files in the sftp server.
However this does not happen always and after it fails ones then the transfers stops working forever.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there a way to fix this?




  • @und3rd06012, We checked that your recent sync logs are successful. If your task run fails again, please email the support team to check further.
  • edited July 2024
    @Admin Hi, Thank you for your reply. Yes they are successful, but the scheduling does not work. It supposed to work everyday and it does not. I just checked in the SFTP server and they are files of three continuous days that have not been transferred to google drive
  • @und3rd06012, Please email the support team to check the issue further.
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