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MultCloud Cloud Sync failure cause Apple session invalid when syncing iCloud drive

Please remind me how to get past this error. I've fixed it before but can't remember how and search isn't getting me to the fix this time. Thanks!


  • @Patonleslie, Please re-add your iCloud and then run your task again.
  • OK, this involved more agita than it needed to, so here are my notes for next time: 1. ignore iCloud for Windows. Signing out and back in there won't help anything with MultCloud. 2. go to MultCloud web site > Task List. Take a screenshot of your task list and make a note of everything that comes FROM or goes TO iCloud. These will have to be re-created as they'll all get wiped when you delete iCloud from the list of clouds, and it helps to have a checklist to recreate them efficiently. 3. Again in MultCloud web site, in the left blue pane under "My Online Services" find iCloud Drive, right-click on it, and select "Remove". You'll get a confirmation message if transfer tasks are based on this cloud, that's what they're trying to tell you re: #2 above. Click Delete on the confirmation message. 4. Again on the left blue side of the screen under "My Online Services" choose Add Cloud. Find iCloud Drive and click it. Enter details when prompted. You'll get a confirmation message called "Tips for iCloud Drive 2-factor auth". Basically this is telling you that you'll have to allow access to your iCloud from somewhere in Detroit. The timing is immediate so you know what you did, but still, it's nerve-wracking. Click OK to clear the confirmation message. 5. Go back to your now much shorter Task List and re-create the tasks that involved iCloud. I'm now bundhing my syncs to separate files I keep only in iCloud ("make space") or locally ("always on this device") and a separate backup for files I tend to forget to close, so those don't hold up other backups. Very respectfully, ~L
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