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Box -> Google Shared drive Cloud Sync error: "No storage space to cac..."

edited March 7 in Seek Help
I've initiated a sync from Box to a Google Shared drive. I get 5.9GB into what is around an 80GB sync, and then the error I get is "No storage space to cac...". I realize this might be a Google Shared Drive side issue, but a bit more information would be helpful in troubleshooting, as I don't think I've hit any storage limits. Does anyone know what Multcloud is trying to tell me? The ellipses, with no option I can find to expand the error message, leaves me with nothing to grab onto.

The Google shared drive reports 152B used which is actually a good sign - I know that storage reporting can show deduplicated totals, so maybe I've got everything. Knowing more about the error would put my mind at ease.
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