Thank you for subscribing our service. You now have a Maximum of 10 files transferring simultaneously.
Start Time: May 17 2023 15:42Current Rate: 1.85MB/s
when I can get it working it is only doing 1 at a time and it is considerably slower than was on the trial - I was getting speeds of 7.5MB on the trial and then after paying, I am getting that figure in KB?
Please help.
Also, this folder is 17GB and I have transferred less than 5GB according to the top right of the page
AVERAGE SPEED over 5 mins was 179Bytes/s
the fact it was not available to transfer does not bother me as it is probably a shortcut to another share so I am not worried about this file - I am noting that the failure of the whole folder has stopped cos of this?!?
So it appears to have done it but the info says success with 0 b transferred and 0 files processed?
Can you point me to an FAQ or some post that I can understand - please?