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MultCloud Re-copying Files
I am having an issue updating files that have already been synched. I have tried multiple sync modes, but for some reason, it always re-copies every file. There have been no changes to the folder structure, and I am attempting to sync from one Google Drive account to another.
Is there something I am missing so that MultCloud does not re-copy every single file, but only the new/changed ones as described?
Is there something I am missing so that MultCloud does not re-copy every single file, but only the new/changed ones as described?
1. I ran a Simple Sync Incremental task of a folder that is 319 GB in size, it completed with 3 files failing to transfer.
2. A few hours after it finished, I decided to re-run it to make sure it copied all files.
3. I re-ran the Simply Sync and the process it took its time counting all the files (as I expected)
4. The transfer started and has been running for the past 6 days, 3 hours and 44 minutes.
I can live with the bad transfer rate since usually there aren't that many new or updated files that need to be transferred, but it's re-copying everything and taking a ton of time and space.
"I re-ran the Simply Sync"---Did you recreate a sync task with "Simple Sync" way? Or click "Sync Now" on the previous "Simple Sync Incremental task" again under Task Manager? Did you change the sync way for the task?