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sync is too slow ... thinking to cancel

is this normal?  only 30% of 500gb in 24hours


  • Same here on my transfer. Says average is 85kbs. 24+hrs on 236gb
  • As for the speed, a lot of factors should be taken into account, like the size of your files, the type of your files, the number of the files, the type of your clouds, the API restrictions of the cloud providers to third-party services like MultCloud, and so on. For example, if the big size folder you transferred has too many and too small files, then it would take much time to count these files. Actually, you can see the changes of the files number to measure the speed.
    In addition, if you run the transfer or sync task before you upgrading the account, please cancel the transfer process, and then run again. 
    If you are running a sync task, maybe you can try to create a transfer task via Cloud Transfer. Generally, the transfer task is faster than sync task.
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