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Transferring files and de-activating storage systems Question

Hello! I just transferred dropbox and one drive files to google drive, using multcloud. My question is, can I now delete the files and de-activate from dropbox and one drive, now that the files are in google drive (without the files being deleted from google drive)? I'm trying to consolidate as it's terribly expensive to maintain all the different storage places. 

Also : How does icloud fit into all of this? Can I transfer icloud items to google drive too?


  • edited November 2020
    Ultimately I'd like to consolidate all files in one (affordable) system. 
  • Hello Mrose,
    Please check if all files have been transferred to google drive. If yes, you can delete them from the source drive.
    And, MultCloud currently doesn't support icloud. 
  • Thank you! This is a very cool and much appreciated program.  :)
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