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Photos and Albums: One Google account to another Google acocunt

HELP: I would like to transfer (copy?, share?) photos and albums from Google account1 to Google account2 as I plan to abandon account1.

Account1 has already shared most of the photos with account2. But I would like account1 to have all photos of account2 but without duplication and keep the highest resolution.

The same goes for the albums. A few have been shared by account1 but not all.

I do not wish to share/copy/transfer anything else (e.g., emails, Google Drive, etc).

Is it possible to do the above smoothly via multCloud?


  • Hello,
    The "Photos" directory can only store images, videos and other media files, but not directories. You can create a simple sync task from account1 to account2. So, it will sync all photos under Google Photos1/Photos to Google Photos2/Photos. It will overwrite the same photos.
    2.The "Albums" directory can only store album directories, but not media files. You can create a transfer task from Google Photos1/Albums to Google Photos2/Albums.
    Please note that all media items uploaded to Google Photos through API are stored in full resolution at original quality. So, these media items will count towards storage in your Google Account. No unlimited space of Google Photos.

  • Thank you very for your reply.

    I am not sure how the Google Photos directory structure looks like but let me emphasize that I am not talking about Google Drive but Google Photos. I would like to transfer all photos and albums from account1 to account2. Please kindly confirm your response before I proceed. 

    Thank you again.
  • @Hoss, Generally, Google Photos includes Albums, Photos and Share directories.
    And, The "Albums" directory only includes folders (every album is a folder), then every folder includes photos. So, the single file (photos) can't directly save to the root directory of "Albums". You only can save photos to the folder under "Albums".
    The "Photos" directory directly save files (photos). It can't save folder.
    The "Sharing" directory contains all the albums shared by you or the shared albums you have joined.
    Based on your needs, You can create a simple sync task via "Cloud Sync" feature from Google Photos 1\Photos to Google Photos 2\Photos.
    Then, you can create a transfer task via "Cloud Transfer" feature from Google Photos1/Albums to Google Photos2/Albums.
  • I am doing the cloud sync from one google account to another. Question is will it retain the d ate and time also? Some pictures on account 2 already uploaded are giving wrong date, especially the videos. How can the dates be synced once this task is completed? I am having over 40000 images.

    Also a lot of files has got the following errors: 
    429 Too many requests at the same time, please try again later.

    and one file has the following error:
    409 {\error\:{\code\:409,\message\:\The operation was aborted.\,\status\:\ABORTED\}}

    It would take a lot of time to copy the failed files one by one after downloading. Is there any workaround for this?

    so basically my 2 questions are:
    1. How to retain original date/time stamp of pictures?
    2. Any workarounds for failed file transfers?


  • ok never mind, it gave a failure error after 30GB of transfer and it looks like free account is capped at 30GB. Not worth to spend money for a simple task like this. Next I will try album sharing. Hope this would solve my issues. 
  • @SaapeXD, If you want to transfer data from Google drive to another google drive, you can create use cloud transfer feature to create a transfer task from google drive to google drive. In transfer settings, you can check the option "Keep file modification date (Supports Dropbox, Google Drive, G Suite)." So, it will keep the original date/time stamp,
    But, if you transfer to google photos, the API of google photos doesn't offer the feature to save the date.
    For the 429 error, The quota limit for requests to access media bytes (by loading a photo or video from a base URL) is 75,000 requests per project per day.
    We have contacted Google not long ago and applied for more quota successfully, but since we have many users who are using Google Photos, this error might occur again. For this situation, we suggest that you can retry this process next day.
  • For those who are trying to use Multicloud to move photos/videos from one Google account to another. Here are two things to consider.
    1. The dates and times will be changed to today's date and time. Make sure you are ok with this which I was not.
    2. Even if you are moving compressed images/videos over, the target Google Photos account will count them as "original" and it will count towards your quota.

    These two items made this tool a deal breaker for me :-(
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