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Suggestion - Personal Clouds (NAS servers) & Evernote


As a newbie here I'm still roaming around and seeing what I can and can't do.

I am impressed by the ability to flip files from one cloud to another which goes some way toward the seamless integration of all my free cloud storage that I am looking for; I do not even want to have to think about exactly where it's stored, Multcloud just tracks it all (splitting large image files between clouds and rejoining them without user intervention or thought) optimising storage use as it works.

Anyway, currently I would like to include my Seagate Central NAS storage ot Multcloud. I notice that other users have suggested their own NAS models and you seem to suggest in your responses that this is a possibility in the not too distant future, so I am asking - do you have an idea of when?

While on the subject of my wish list; I noticed Evernote on another (pay) site offering cloud transfers and wonder if, as a widely used app, it could be added to Multcloud?




  • Hi Martinloat,

    as to NAS, I agree that it would be valuable. But most NAS provide a WebDAV interface, have you tried that? I will try it on my WDMyCloud one of these days.

    Good luck!

  • Hi JowiKrause

    I've tried to connect to my Seagate Central using the WebDAV button on the Add a Cloud page and got nowhere. It continuously tells me my login credentials are wrong.

    So far I've permutated through; the router IP address, the Seagate IP address, the Seagate supplied TappIn address plus all combinations of username and password that I use (and use RoboForm to keep track) all to no avail.

    Seagate have a knowledge base article that talks about Dynamic DNS being used to remotely access the Seagate Business NAS using FTP / WebDAV - Implying that a Dynamic DNS is a prerequisite.

    Does anyone have a step by step idiots guide please?

  • I have a WD MyCloud device which i would like to connect. Has there been any development on the connection of NAS Drives to MultCloud?

  • I have not been able to get Multcloud working through WebDAV but I managed to get GoodSync installed on my WD MyCloud.


  • I would also like to be able to add WDMyCloud to my cloud list.
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