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[bug 3.3.0] Transfer or Backup Service to Yandex fails

edited August 2015 in Suggestions & Bug Reports

Yandex as target drive for "Transfer or Backup Service"  fails and reading the log it says "This task has too much failure of files"


  • @admin the log only says "This task has too much failure of files"


  • Maybe you need to expand the log in order to debug, because just stating 'too much failure' does not help.

    And since there is only one file type being transferred to Yandex, which is showing up in the native web interface of yandex your reasoning about such curb may not be correct.
    It seems to be more of an connection problem with the MC backend to Yandex

  • Did this transfer to Yandex again from scratch and the repeated error reads:

    "remote host closed connection during handshake"

    Another error showing is stating: "broken pipe"

  • This seems fixed now and working. The most recent log has not reported any errors.

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