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I can’t transfer from Google Photo to FTP

edited July 2019 in Seek Help
I cant transfer from Google Photo to FTP

I start Cloud Transfer from Google photo to FTP.
But its not proceed working as below.

I can upload from MultiCloud screen to FTP , so FTP setting is woking.

How do I transfer from Google photo to FTP.



  • @Yam, it seems that this task was stuck. Please cancel this task and try again.
  • @AomeiMultcloud , thank you for your reply!
    I try transfer one more time , but its not working.
    I change type transfer to sync , but its not working.

    error message below

    429 {\error\:{\code\:429,\message\:\Quota exceeded for quota metric 'photoslibrary.googleapis.com/all_requests' and limit 'ApiCallsPerProjectPerDay' of service 'photoslibrary.googleapis.com' for consumer 'project_number:76909202065'.\,\status\:\RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED\,\details\:[{\@type\:\type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.Help\,\links\:[{\description\:\Google developer console API key\,\url\:\https://console.developers.google.com/project/76909202065/apiui/credential\}]}]}}
  • @ sorry for the inconvenience. This problem is related to Google Photos quota limit. The quota limit for requests to access media bytes (by loading a photo or video from a base URL) is 75,000 requests per project per day. You can retry it tomorrow.
  • @AomeiMultcloud , thank you for your reply again!

    I can't sync everyday.
    The same error occurs.

    I have some question.

    1.What mesns 75,00 requests per project.

    Project means all of multcloud account?
    Project means each multicloud account?
    Project means each task on multicloud?

    2.Can I sync a lot of file everytime from google photo to my FTP?

    I want to sync a lot of phots from google photos to my FTP.
    I use 10 google account, over 20,000 photos will increase every month.

    3.I am using a free account, but is it possible to run a paid account?

    best regards
  • @Yam, for the first question, the project means each MultCloud account. For the second question, since there's a problem with Google Photos, I cannot assure you if you will run into a problem or not durning the process. For the third question, whether you use the free or paid account, you cannot bypass the problem because it's the limit of Google Photos.
  • @AomeiMultcloud, thank you for your reply.

    I treid agin and again every day , but it's not wroking :'(
    Same error message like blow.

     429 {\error\:{\code\:429,\message\:\Quota exceeded for quota metric 'photoslibrary.googleapis.com/all_requests' and limit 'ApiCallsPerProjectPerDay' of service 'photoslibrary.googleapis.com' for consumer 'project_number:76909202065'.\,\status\:\RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED\,\details\:[{\@type\:\type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.Help\,\links\:[{\description\:\Google developer console API key\,\url\:\https://console.developers.google.com/project/76909202065/apiui/credential\}]}]}}

    Is there anything that can be done to get it to work properly?

    what means 75,000 requests? 
     -there is 75,000 photos to download from Google photo to FTP.
     -there is 75,000 task working time on multcloud. (include over 75,000 download)

    best regards
  • @Yam, sometimes, to download one file from Google Photos, it takes several calls so it does not mean it can help you transfer 75000 photos from Google Photos to FTP. This problem is related to the API of Google Photos and I cannot tell you more. This problem can be resolved with the help of Google Photos. Without the help of Google Photos, it's really hard for us to resolve because Google Photos is not developed by MultCloud.
  • @AomeiMultcloud, Thank you for your reply.
    It's a very good service, but it's not good enough with the Google spec.
    In addition, I will use it if there is an opportunity.
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