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Support New Cloud (Hive.im)

edited October 2014 in Seek Help

Guys, please add Hive.im to Multcloud. It's the first free unlimited cloud storage! Its API is also out for developers. It would be really helpful as I'll be moving almost all my files there, since it's an unlimited cloud storage. Thanks!


  • I agree, your suite is already fantastic, adding Hive and some of the Chinese cloud providers (Tencent and Yunpan, for instance) would make it awesome.. Thanks for the consideration in advance

  • Yes, having such a lot of providers stands Multcloud out of the group. I think adding even more should be a good strategy.

    I see others add even vertical repositories (Flickr, Picasa and so on). This could be useful as well, even if being a bridge between "very rich services" (providing syncronization, public file sharing, web caching, etc.) and "big storage providers" is even better.

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