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Dropbox Shared Folder Migration Challenges

We are migrating Dropbox to GoogleDrive and we've run into a scenario that is challenging and aren't inherently seeing a solution out of the box for the tool. Could you please let us know if there is a way of transferring files given our situation?

We have a variety of users that have shared folder access in Dropbox
Our users also have personal content in their own DropBox account.

When using the migration tool and selecting two users to migrate into their google drives, we're able to move all files and folders that the user has access to. This is effective for personal content; however, we run into a challenge when it comes to the shared folders. 

If we've got one folder shared with a lot of people, each person with access to that folder will get a unique copy of everything that is in that shared folder. 

We'd like to specifically move the shared folders and files either only to the owner's drive, or, to a shared drive in Google Drive. 

Do you have any thoughts on a solution to our problem?


  • Hello Devuser123,
    Sorry that MultCloud currently can't keep the "share" properties when transfer shared files/folders. We will optimize it after.
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